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Learning to Swim by Graham Swift

Learning to Swim by Graham Swift

Graham Swift’s first collection of short stories confirms his power to bring an edge of the extraordinary, the dangerous or the subversive into otherwise familiar, safe, even comforting settings. On a holiday beach, a mismatched couple wage a sexually charged war for the devotion of their literally floundering son. A family doctor, oppressed by his own domestic insecurities, intimidates an apparent time-wasting patient. A zookeeper becomes the keeper of a bizarre fixation . . .

While vividly evoking a recognisable English geography, these startling stories have an eye for the foreign, for the experience of refugees or for less definable zones of bewilderment and strangeness. More than one has a touch of the ghostly. Highly located yet haunted and haunting, they penetrate a hidden world of human dislocation.

(Simon & Schuster)

Learning to Swim by Graham Swift


Graham Swift


Simon & Schuster

 Year Published


Number of Pages


Book Type

Short Story Collection


Literary Fiction


English Writing

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